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Create your custody schedule and parenting plan. Timtab gives you the world's best timetable, planning and document software. It's easy to use and, right now, it's free.

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6 Steps to an Agreed Parenting Plan

1. Create a profile and choose preferences

Enter basic information about the parents and child(ren), such as names, child ages and travel times. Also choose preferences for things like care percentage and swap times.

2. Check out your custody schedule

Timtab will generate an optimized custody schedule, showing which days you have the child or children. You can adjust this easily with a clickable calendar.

3. Check out your summer schedule

Timtab will also give you a schedule for the summer when school is out. Like other aspects of the parenting plan, the summer schedule may change as the kids get older.

4. Set expense payment rules

You can easily set rules for which parent will pay for things like school fees and major medical expenses. Choose what to leave in or out of your agreed financial arrangements.

5. Choose how much vacation time you want

After a few simple questions, Timtab will write your vacation arrangements. A certain amount of vacation time with the kids should be available to each parent at different times of year.

6. Get your draft plan

Timtab will give you a draft, downloadable parenting plan written in a legally sound way. Your plan will contain the custody schedule and other arrangements. You can show it to the other parent and make changes to any section.

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Amazing value

Save Money

Digital technology let's you do things for free. You don't have to pay mediation and legal professionals.

Smart schedules

Get a Great Plan

Timtab has next-generation software. You can create the perfect schedule and plan for your situation.

Easy solutions

Everyone Happy

Online planning and document production gives great results without stress. It's a win-win for parents and kids.

Give your child or children the best parenting plan they can possibly have.

Make a Plan